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What Makes Ordinary People Commit a crime and Do Evil Things?

What Makes Ordinary People Commit a crime and Do Evil Things?

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What Makes Ordinary People Commit a crime and Do Evil Things?

Greed and fear are often regarded as the two most powerful emotions that guide human decisions. Fear often comes in when an individual considers the repercussions of the actions they are about to take to outweigh the benefits they would get from doing it. On the other hand, greed is the complete opposite. These two emotions can trigger an ordinary person to do evil things or even commit a crime. Peer pressure and the environment play a major role in influencing a person’s behavior.

One is engulfed with all the benefits that they may personally get from taking a particular action without necessarily considering the negative effects of the actions on themselves and those around them (Gottschalk, 2020). The current society is engulfed with individuals with an overwhelming desire to gain more and succeed in life, which often breeds greed. However, the majority of the population may not act on the desire due to the fear of straining the societal ties with their community. Individuals who end up committing crimes and doing evil are those whose human impulse to collect and consume valuable resources overwhelms the constraints of societal ties (Gottschalk, 2020).


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