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MBA 501 Article Analysis Instructions

MBA 501 Article Analysis Instructions

Research article analysis will help you to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to express yourself in the written form. Here are some practical hints on how to identify, read, summarize, and analyze a research article. A research article is written to get across a lot of information quickly to a reader. Reading such articles can be tedious and sometimes frustrating unless you are familiar with scientific writing and the reasons for this style. Research articles are highly structured to make information easy to find. Unlike literary writing, scientific writing emphasizes scientific inquiry or a process. The writing is very lean and extra words are avoided.

Use the Saint Leo University library databases to search for your peer-reviewed journal articles. You will need to use your SLU ID and password to gain access. From the list of databases, select either EBSCO Host or ProQuest. Both include an option to limit a search to scholarly/peer-reviewed journals. You can also limit your search to full text; however, the SLU Library has an inter-library loan service that helps you acquire articles that may not be included in the University’s collection. Make sure your article is no more than five years old.

Research articles may be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative articles typically include sections such as Review of the Literature, Sample Description, Data Collection Methods, Data Analysis Methods, Findings, Discussion, and a Conclusion. A quantitative research article has the following major sections: Title Page, Abstract, Introductions, Review of the Literature, Method, Results, Discussion, References, Tables and Figures. An article analysis highlights the information in the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Before you can write such a document, you need to read and understand the article.

Reading the Article

Allow enough time. Plan to spend at least one half of the time you devote to this assignment to reading and understanding the article. Before you can write about research, you must evaluate it. Before you can evaluate it, you must understand it. Before you can understand it, you must digest it. Before you can digest, you must read it, thoroughly. This takes more time than most students realize. Scan the article first. You will get bogged down in detail if you try to read a new article from start to finish. Initially you should briefly look at each section to to identify:


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