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Impact of Cultural Issues in Nursing

Impact of Cultural Issues in Nursing

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Impact of Cultural Issues in Nursing

Using QSEN competencies as a model, discuss how culture influences not only health practices but also how the healthcare provider and how the patient perceives illness

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) was introduced in 2005 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), a course to equip nurses and other healthcare providers to improve the quality of healthcare provision besides their knowledge and expertise (QSEN Institute, 2022). The project was aimed at helping health practitioners (nurses) provide a comprehensive health care service, from medical administration to the overall welfare and wellbeing of patients; psychological and environmental safety. Health care today is influenced greatly by cultural practices in society, most of which contribute significantly to medical conditions experienced today; eating habits, societal perception of certain conditions, and beliefs by certain communities form part of the cultural activities that influence health care (Grand Canyon University, 2022). QSEN thus enables nurses and other health practitioners to go beyond medical procedures to ensure the overall treatment of patients.

QSEN is divided into six categories, and when mastered and applied by all nurses and medical practitioners, the future of healthcare will be changed for the better. Through this course, the nurses should be able to deliver quality health care, improving the patient-nurses’ relationship that is core to quick recovery from any form of sickness (Grand Canyon University, 2022). The occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic played a significant role in the understanding and implementing the QSEN, home-based care, and virtual health care programs crystallized during this period. For some cultures, certain illnesses are taken lightly and seen as normal conditions, whereas in others, they are fatal. A complete QSEN course equips nurses with the courage and confidence to educate the public on the disease and preventive measures. The six categories of the QSEN can be applied to understand the impact and how culture influences healthcare systems and the overall service provision in the sector. Upon completion of the QSEN guide, student nurses or nurses are equipped with three major capabilities; knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) (Grand Canyon University, 2022).

Patient-Centered Care

This category propels the nurses to put patients’ welfare at the helm of their service provision. Patients must be involved in decisions about their wellness. Despite the patients having pre-informed information or beliefs about their conditions, nurses should not insist on their knowledge of similar conditions (QSEN Institute, 2022). The nurses must, however, apply the KSA of patient-centered care to advise and compassionately take patients’ interests while providing or exercising their medical knowledge for the well-being of the patients. Nurses acquire patients’ background, lineage, and assessment of their health, information that will shape the medical approach administered to the patient.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Nurses pursuing or who have pursued the course must understand that healthcare providers cannot be achieved as individuals but as a combined effort. Different nurses have different medical know-how and skills. Patients are attended to by different nurses, who must provide comprehensive reports on their involvement with the patient to allow the next practitioners to comprehend the patient’s medical conditions and promptly administer them to the patient (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Applying the KSA of this competency enables the nurses to admit their weaknesses and refer patients to those with strengths in a particular area. Teamwork also improves communication; nurses can communicate with colleagues about the background of the patients for further assistance.

Evidence-Based Practice

This competency of the QSEN demands that nurses gather relevant information about illnesses and medical conditions. This means that nurses will gather information from credible sources, research, and examining patients with similar conditions (Grand Canyon University, 2022). Getting credible evidence will help discard rumors, myths, and misconceptions (cultural beliefs) that may hinder healthcare.

Quality Improvement

Quality improvement is based on evidence-based practice. Once nurses acquire credible information about specific illnesses or conditions, they apply the knowledge to provide quality healthcare services to their patients. With patient involvement, nurses can implement quality healthcare for patients after sharing evidence-based information and administering it.


Safety competency under the QSEN majorly focuses on patient safety during nurse involvement. This includes the safety of their healthcare information and their physical presence. Providing proper safety conditions allows patients to trust nurses and the entire health department to share their medical conditions and history (QSEN Institute, 2022). This builds rapport and relationships that will help pass information easier.


Technology in healthcare improves competency and information sharing for swift patient administration. The KSA for this competency pushes the nurses to apply their technical know-how to navigate patient information and medical conditions and assist the patients in treatment.

What is the impact of history and culture in nursing care for a minority population (Disabled)?

The history of nursing is very important in the nursing profession. It helps the nurses to intensively understand their profession. In addition, the history informs patients to understand what nursing care is about. It inspires them for the benefits of nursing and enables them to interact with nurses and other healthcare workers appropriately (Hinkle & Cheever). Buerhaus (2018) states that the United States of America is focused on implementing a diverse nursing workforce to help achieve mitigation and health equity. Understanding the culture and diversity in healthcare will help create quality healthcare for the minority. People living with disability are notable individuals that have benefited from history. Various legislative actions have been conducted within the United States of America to protect the rights of the disabled. The federal government in America has formulated policies that advocate for the employment and inclusion of disabled people in the health sector. Various organizations and health facilities have come out and encouraged those with disabilities to seek employment in healthcare. Being a law for every facility to employ a percentage of disabled people means more learning intuitions will be inspired to educate this minority group.

In the United States of America, the southeast territory has already developed new nursing school curriculums that call for diversity in the nursing workforce. The schools have redesigned their admission protocols and collaborated with disability groups to admit more disabled people into their institutions. The new interprofessional policies call for skills-oriented professionals rather than strengths or weaknesses. History and diversity have enabled disabled groups to be accommodated within the nursing practice. Nursing practice standards are not only focused on promoting professional growth but also on providing quality and safe healthcare (Hinkle & Cheever, 2013). The nursing history supports that individuals of all groups are admitted to nursing schools. No literature articles have proven that disabled people pose a danger to patients. Nursing care relies on quality healthcare skills, ethical approaches, and patient satisfaction. According to Buerhaus (2018), nurses who are disabled have shown more competency than their counterparts. They always show concentration to compensate for their limitations.

What are the challenges and changes facing nursing today in making a difference to this population?

In recent years, nurses with disability have faced discrimination in their practices. The NHS in the United Kingdom has tried to implement policies that will boost equality among nurses (Buerhaus, 2018). The first challenge that affects the disabled group in nursing practice is accessibility. Modern nursing practice requires patients to operate complex machines and equipment. At some point, the disabled are hindered since the procedures require mobility. Accessibility can be divided into four categories. The first is access to information and healthcare informatics (Hinkle & Cheever, 2013). Individuals who are blind and deaf always have a problem accessing healthcare information. Another problem of accessibility is access to transport. With the infrastructure improvement, mobility among nurses has increased. It means physically handicapped nurses will find it hard to move from one point to another, attending to patients. The last challenge that affects the disabled in nursing practice is the lack of an accommodative curriculum in nursing schools. Most nursing schools have not yet adhered to the new standards to facilitate the education of nursing professionals.


Buerhaus, P. (2018). Nurse practitioners: A solution to America’s primary care crisis. American Enterprise Institute, 1-30.

Grand Canyon University, 2022. Understanding the importance of QSEN competencies. GCU.

Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2013). Clinical handbook for Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

QSEN Institute, 2022. QSEN Competencies. Retrieved from


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