Assignment 2
40 Marks
Assignment 2
40 Marks
Worth 5% of your final grade
Due at 3:15pm of the day of the Final Lab Test
Upload your Word Document and also your SPSS output file(s) to Blackboard
Question 1 (5 Marks)
The 2009 Survey of Household Spending (SHS) was conducted from January until March 2010 and collects information about the spending habits, dwelling characteristics and household equipment of Canadian households during 2009. The data was obtained by asking people in the 10 provinces and three territories to recall their expenditures for the previous calendar year (spending habits) or as of the time of the interview (dwelling characteristics and household equipment). Using the dataset “Q1.sav” do the variables “Sex of reference person” and “Household income before taxes” predict
“Amount spent on cellular services”? Provide the regression equation. Do Males or Females spend the most on cellular services? If I am Female and have a “Household income before taxes” of $65,000 how much am I predicted to spend on cellular services?
Question 2 (5 Marks)
From the 2009 Survey of Household Spending (SHS) dataset “Q2.sav” is “Selling price of home” predictive of “Improvements – additions, renovations and alterations”? Complete the appropriate diagnostics and report your results.
Question 3 (5 Marks)
From the 2009 Survey of Household Spending (SHS) dataset “Q3 and Q4.sav” does the amount spent on “Newspapers” differ across the variable “Household type”? Does the amount spent on “Newspapers” differ between “One Person” households compared to “Couple only” and “Couple with single children only”? Does the amount spent on “Newspapers” differ between “Couple only” and
“Couple with single children only”?
Question 4 (5 Marks)
From the 2009 Survey of Household Spending (SHS) dataset “Q3 and Q4.sav” does the “Income of reference person before taxes” differ from the “Income of spouse before taxes”?
Question 5 (10 MARKS)
I have the average annual daily high temperature for five Canadian cities from the years 2008 through to 2012. I want to determine if the average annual daily high temperature differed across the fiveyear period. (alpha=0.05).
- State the null and alternate hypotheses (1 Marks)
- Report the descriptive statistics (2 Marks)
- Complete the appropriate inferential statistical test and state your conclusion (3 Marks)
- Complete Tukey’s test, if needed. If not needed explain why. (4 Marks)
Question 7 (10 MARKS)
II have the annual salary ($1,000’s) for 30 people employed in Toronto or Vancouver, by industry sector (Public, Private – Manufacturing, and Private – Retail). I want to see if the annual salary differs by Location, Industry Sector, and the Location x Industry Sector interaction. There were 5 people within each group. For all inferential tests alpha is set to 0.05.
- State the null and alternate hypotheses (1 Marks)
- Enter the data into SPSS (2 Marks)
- Complete the appropriate inferential tests and state your conclusions (4 Marks)
- Complete simple main effects for the variable Industry Sector. Do this separately for the Toronto and Vancouver locations. (6 Marks)
- Only if you think it is required complete Tukey’s HSD for all significant simple main effects and state your conclusions. If Tukey’s test is not required explain why. (7 Marks)
** I have provided the complete set of data on the next page.