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Physical Geography of Brazil

Physical Geography of Brazil

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Physical Geography of Brazil

The geographical nature of the world is an essential aspect that is pivotal to each individual and mainly geographical learners. It is critical to understand the physical, human, and environmental geography of a region since it defines the people’s way of life. In relation to my coursework research, I focus on Brazil, a country I look forward to visiting in the near future. Brazil is a nation in South America and is formally known as the Republica Federativa do Brasil in Portuguese. It makes up around half of the continent’s land area. Geographic experts claim that Brazil is the fifth-biggest country in the world and the largest country in South America (Gamilis & Frankline, 2021). On the eastern edge of South America, it has a 4,5000-mile Atlantic Ocean coastline and is shaped like a gigantic triangle. All of South America, with the exception of Chile and Ecuador, is inside its borders. It has an area of 3.29 million square miles and extends from the Amazonia equatorial plains at latitudes 4 degrees north to cool uplands at 30 degrees South. Its capital city is located in Rio de Janeiro. The proceeding paragraphs of this blog offer a comprehensive and precise analysis of the physical geography of Brazil, highlighting the topography, weather and climate, plants and animals, soils, and the physical features in Brazil and how these features contribute to the lifestyle of Brazilian residents.



Booker, H. A. (2021, October 12). World Bank climate change knowledge portal. Changeclimatics. https://climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/country/brazil/climate-data-historical#:%7E:text=Dominated%20by%20equatorial%20and%20tropical,mm%20per%20year%20of%20rain.

Chemaseb, J. (2017, April 25). Native plant species of Brazil. WorldAtlas. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/native-plant-species-of-brazil.html

Douglas, S. A., & Livingstone, M. S. (2021, April 18). Brazil – Nature and wildlife. Goway Travel. https://www.goway.com/travel-information/central-and-south-america/brazil/nature-and-wildlife/

Gamilis, N. A., & Frankline, M. A. (2021, February 10). Brazil. Geography. https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/geography/countries/article/brazil#:%7E:text=Th e%20Brazilian%20landscape%20is%20very,and%20a%20long%20coastal%20plain.  

Sayej, N. (2020, December 23). 7 magnificent mountains in Brazil. G Adventures Blog.  https://www.gadventures.com/blog/7-magnificent-mountains-brazil/

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